The Spectral Thread

The Spectral Thread



About Us

My journey to all things natural began when I was pregnant with my youngest child. I was a little older with the last one and the strength with which I had handled the unusual sickness, anemia, exhaustion and everything else just wasn’t there. I began to research ways that I could help myself at home without harming my unborn child and I discovered herbs. It wasn’t too long and I was sold on the idea of using plants that were readily available to us in nature to heal myself and my family. I started using herbs and oils to deal with colds and the flu, with stomach issues and respiratory issues. As I continued to study and learn, I realized that if we take the time to nourish our bodies, then why not our skin? After all, it’s the largest organ of the body and deserves to be treated with love and respect. So I started using the herbs and oils as an application to the skin. As my children grew and their hormones kicked in, we had the typical skin issues and concerns. As I aged, and my own hormones fluxed, I wanted to only use the very best on my skin and that of my family. Because we home schooled, we started studying and formulating our own products that we fell in love with. It wasn’t long and we decided to launch a cottage industry using the formulations that we had created. I soon found that I had clients coming to me with their own particular skin issues looking for an alternative to over-the counter and prescription medications that provided little relief but lots of side effects. As I worked with these clients, my passion for this field grew. I get so excited learning th


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